During the trailer launch event of Sam Bahadur at Manekshaw Center in Delhi, Vicky shared, "I remember when Meghna and I were working on Raazi, then during a shooting schedule in Patiala she told me what she wanted to do next. And she said she wants to make a film on Sam Manekshaw."
Vicky Kaushal, whose parents hail from Punjab, shared that he had heard a lot about Sam Manekshaw but was unfamiliar with his appearance. During a conversation with Meghna Gulzar, he discreetly Googled a photo of Manekshaw and was surprised by his handsome looks. Vicky humorously admitted to thinking he wouldn't get the role because of it. He expressed gratitude to Meghna Gulzar for casting him as the distinguished and handsome Sam Manekshaw.
Sam Bahadur will portray the extraordinary journey of Sam Manekshaw, which lasted for over four decades. It will cover his experiences during World War II and his tenure as the Chief of Army Staff during the Indo-Pakistan war in 1971, which played a crucial role in the creation of Bangladesh. The movie stars Vicky Kaushal, Sanya Malhotra, and Fatima Sana Shaikh.
Sam Bahadur is slated to hit the theatres on December 1, 2023.
See Also: Sam Bahadur trailer: Vicky Kaushal is convincing as Sam Manekshaw in the Meghna Gulzar film
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