Baldur's Gate 3: Best Druid build in BG3

July 2024 · 7 minute read

Creating different characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) is one of the main strengths of the game and in the fantasy land of the Forgotten Realms, Druids are one of the most unique. Who hasn’t dreamed about turning into an animal?

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In this guide, we’ll present the best options to make the strongest Druid, but you can experiment to make an interesting character and have fun with stats that don’t always make sense but might make for a unique roleplay experience.

What are Druids in BG3?

You could say that Druids are the vegans and climate change activists of the Forgotten Realms. They are spellcasters that live as an extension of nature, using elemental forces or transforming into animals. Known to be the protectors of forests and keepers of balance in nature.

Druids have the unique ability Wild Shape that allows them to take the form and abilities of a variety of animals. This comes in handy not only in battle, but also when dealing with difficult terrain or to get into places you don’t have immediate access to.

Related: One week after launch, Baldur’s Gate 3 players have spent 88 years in character creation

Each class has unique pre-established features such as skill modifiers and proficiencies with weapons and skills. Here are all Druid class features in BG3:

Hit points




Class feature

All Druid Wild Shape forms and their abilities in BG3

You won’t be able to Wild Shape right from the start of the game, but once you reach Druid level two, you can choose your subclass and start shapeshifting.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Bard build in BG3

Each animal type has a set of abilities you can use when in that form. You can take advantage of a cat form to be sneaky, or get into a locked building as a badger by burrowing into the ground.

As your level gets higher you can get to high places as a raven, crush your enemies as an owlbear, be stealthy as a panther, and even dissolve armor as a Dilophosaurus.

Here are all the animals you can transform into and watch of their abilities:

Animal formRequirementAbilities
BadgerLevel twoBite, Claws, Burrow
BearCircle of the MoonGoading, Roar, Claws
CatLevel twoClaws, Meow
Giant SpiderLevel twoWeb, Arachnid Jump, Venomous Bite
WolfLevel twoInciting Howl, Bite, Exposing Bite
Dire RavenLevel four Circle of the MoonFly, Beak Attack, Rend Vision
Deep RothéLevel fourDancing Lights, Gore, Charge
OwlbearLevel sixClaws, Enrage, Rupture
PantherLevel sixBite, Prowl, Jugular Strike, Pounce
Sabre-Tooth TigerLevel eightShred Armour, Jugular Strike, Bite
DiplophosaurusLevel 10Bite, Pounce, Corrosive Spit
Earth MyrmidonLevel 10 Circle of the MoonMain Hand Attack, Burrow, Sludgy Sling, Elemental Warp, Muck to Metal, Grounded Thunder Strike, Fly
Water MyrmidonLevel 10 Circle of the MoonMain Hand Attack, Explosive Icicle, Hiemal Strike, Healing Vapours, Fly
Air MyrmidonLevel 10 Circle of the MoonMain Hand Attack, Invisibility, Raging Vortex, Electrified Flail, Fly, Elemental Warp
Fire MyrmidonLevel 10 Circle of the MoonMain Hand Attack, Myrmidon’s Immolation, Cinderous Swipe, Scorching Strike, Fly
Displacer BeastAstral Tadpole PowersIllusory Copy, Displace

Best races for the Druid in BG3

The best races for Druids are Gold Dwarves and Forest Gnomes.

Races don’t affect the build as much as they did in early access. Since full release, there are no longer racial ability points, so when choosing the best class, you’ll only need to take into consideration the racial features.

Many recommend the Wood Elf or Wood Half-Elf for Druids because of the high movement speed, but since how much you can move changes as you use Wild Shape and the animal you choose to transform into, this feature doesn’t really matter if you’re Wild Shaping often.

Gold Dwarves are definitely the ones to go for the strongest Druid because of their resistance to poison and extra maximum hit point each time you level up. Forest Gnomes, on the other hand, are the most theme appropriate with the Speak with Animals spell, and they get the benefit of Advantage on Wisdom saving throws.

Gold Dwarf racial features

Forest Gnome racial features

Best subclass for the Druid in BG3

The Circle of the Moon is the best subclass for a Druid. As you might have noticed in the Druid Wild Shape forms table, the Circle of the Moon subclass grants more options of animals you can shapeshift to while the other subclasses don’t.

This subclass makes the most out of the Druid’s unique feature with additional possible animals such as the Bear, Dire Raven, Sabre-Toothed Tiger, and the elemental Myrmidons.

The Circle of the Land and the Circle of Spores subclasses focus on spellcasting and access to more elemental, weather, fungal and necrotic types of spells and cantrips.

The Circle of the Moon subclass will also grant you the Lunar Mend spell to expend spell slots to regain hit points while Wild Shaped, and the Primal Strike feature to make attacks while in beast form magical instead of non-magical.

Best background for the Druid in BG3

The best Background are the ones who have proficiency in skills from the Wisdom skill umbrella. Wisdom includes the Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, and Survival skills.

Taking that into consideration, the best background is the Folk Hero, since both proficiency skills— Animal Handling and Survival—are Wisdom ones. Other good options include the Acolyte, Guild Artisan, Hermit, and Outlander.

How to best distribute the ability points for the Druid in BG3

The most important skills for a Druid are Wisdom and Constitution since one is the class’ saving throw proficiency and the other will give more HP, but because of the Wild Shape feature, you’ll spend most of the time in combat with the ability scores of the chosen animal.

Building a Circle of the Moon Druid is very similar to a tank build since most of the animals you’ll use in battle will battle on the front line and crush your enemies. The extra Constitution will make it easier for you to stand in battle even if your animal form falls.

Your ability scores become those of the creature while Wild Shaped, except for Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom. But you keep your skill and saving throw proficiencies while in Wild Shape.

You can balance the rest of the ability scores however you prefer. In DnD, players tend to assign the numbers 15,14,13,12,10, and eight to abilities, but in BG3, there would still be five points left. Here’s our recommendation for a balanced Druid in Baldur’s Gate 3:

Best spells for the Druid in BG3

You can choose two cantrips and two spells when creating your Druid character. Later you’ll gain access to more and stronger spells as you level up. You’ll only be able to cast them when you aren’t using the Wild Shape ability, however.

Since you’ll only be able to use them if your beast form is down, it’s good to have some healing and buffing spells to make sure your character doesn’t die before reactivating Wild Shape.

Druid Cantrips

Druid Spells
