Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Bess Kalb |
Birthday / How old is Bess Kalb Age / Date of Birth / DOB | 8th March 1989. As of 2024, she is around 35 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Spouse / Partner / Dating | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | 2 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Where does Bess Kalb live? | Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California. She began writing there after moving from Manhattan and Westchester. |
Introduction :
- Quick witted and tough skinned Bess Kalb is not afraid to publically poke fun at herself. She is a writer for the late-night show Jimmy Kimmel Live. as well as The New Yorker.
- Some of her publications for The New Yorker magazine include articles titled : Wedding Announcements My Grandmother Wrote for Me Over a Single Game Of Bridge With Her Friends & A Selection Of The Most Disappointing Under 30’s, in which the 29-year-old includes herself on the list as the 30th disappointment!
Personal Life : Parents, Family and Education
- The attractive brunette, Bess Kalb was born in 1988.
- She grew up in Manhattan and now lives in San Francisco, California.
- She has a sibling – A brother named Will Kalb.
- Bess is married to Charlie Harding, co-host, and co-author of Switched On Pop, a podcast and book about popular music, the couple is private about their married life. They have two children, a daughter and a son, and reside in San Francisco.
- Education : She studied at Brown University, Rhode Island.
- She graduated in 2009 & at the ceremony, made a witty speech. She spoke warmly of her experience at Brown University, before her follow classmates & her professors.
Bess Kalb Jimmy Kimmel Work :
- Since graduating from college, Bess’s work had been mostly comedy oriented.
- Her first introduction to comedy was in 2007 when she completed a 4-month internship in New York.
- The sharp writer has supplied jokes and comedy sketches for the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show since 2012.
- Aside from contributing to the script for Jimmy’s show, she also conducts comical on location interviews with the public.
- She was nominated for an Emmy for her contribution to Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Writing Career and Net Worth :
- Some of her most popular sketches include : Pedestrian Question – Did You Have Sex Last Night?, Lie Witness News – Coachella 2013 and What’s Your Password?
- She has also written humorous ‘Shout Out’ articles for the US magazine The New Yorker.
- Additionally Bess’ contributions include articles for The New Republic, The Nation, Salon, GQ, Grantland and Wired websites.
- First in 2012 & again in 2016, she attended and wrote for the Emmy’s Awards and in 2017 for the Oscars Awards Ceremony.
Twitter & Trump Attacks :
- Active on Twitter (now called X) since 2009, Bess is well-known for her bold attacks on 45th former US President Donald Trump’s media page. The comic genius responds to Trump on a regular basis.
- Often, she begins her posts with : Oh Sweetie, Oh Honey or various other patronising terms of endearment.
- Naturally Bess’s comments have sparked a wave of abuse from Trump supporters who accuse her antics of being politically unhelpful, some have even accused her of being obsessed & of ‘wanting to sleep’ with the US president.
- True or not, Bess’s tweets have clearly made an impact on Trump who blocked her on May 29, 2017.
- However the brazened tweeter is not backing off and responded by calling him a ‘snowflake’.
Controversy :
- Kalb was a contributor to the jokes in Hillary Clinton’s Al Smith Dinner speech.
- This is the famous speech, which supposedly aided Clinton’s loss in the presidential election of 2016, and Bess has confessed that she feels responsible for Clinton’s failure.
- Despite expressing regret, Kalb has received public recognition for her outstanding work, including an Emmy nomination for best writer and a Writers Guild Award (WGA) in 2016.
Measurements :
- Eye Color : Blue
- Haircut / Hair Color : Black
- How tall / Height : 5′5″
- Feet / Legs / Boots / Shoe Size : 7
- Pregnant? : Currently, she is not expecting a baby.
- Weight Loss : A few Google queries regarding this, but we couldn’t find anything conclusive on any of her social media.
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