This salt alternative could help reduce blood pressure. So why are so few people usingit?

July 2024 · 14 minute read

Australia is home to some of the most venomous creatures in the world. Snakes, spiders, jellyfish and molluscs, such as the blue ringed octopus and cone snail, can all inflict a sting or bite that may cause significant illness and occasionally, death.


eastern brown snake

Australian venomous snakes include taipans, death adders, tiger, black, brown, mulga and copperhead snakes as well as many sea snakes. In warmer weather, the land-based snakes are out of hibernation and basking in the sun. Surprisingly, most snake attacks happen near houses, not in the bush.

Most Australian snakes are defensive by nature and will usually sense your approach and move out of the way. Most don’t approach humans unless disturbed, however, some, such as the brown snake, are fast, fierce and easily angered.

Snakebites may be painless,  and even though there may only be a light scratch or laceration, it’s important to act as quickly as possible. Blood clotting and life-threatening haemorrhages are a common result of a snakebite.

If someone is bitten by a snake, follow these rules.



Signs and symptoms of snake bite

Puncture marks may be visible, or a single mark or scratch.

There may also be nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, drowsiness, headache, breathing difficulty, trouble speaking or swallowing, blurry vision, fainting, confusion, weakness or difficulty moving limbs.


Only 2 Australian spiders, the redback and the funnel-web, pose a threat to human life. Medical treatment is usually not required for white-tailed spider bites, although ice packs may relieve acute pain. Clinical experience appears to be limited with mouse spider bites, but funnel-web spider antivenom could be useful in severe cases.

Some common house and garden spiders deliver bites but usually very little damage occurs. However, medical advice should be sought if there is concern. If it can be done safely, it is reasonable to try to capture and save the spider for identification purposes, even if it has been squashed.

Funnel-web spider

funnelweb spider

Funnel-web spider bites can be fatal, and life-threatening effects can occur quickly – within 10 minutes. If someone is bitten by a funnel-web spider, follow these rules.

Signs and symptoms of funnel-web spider bites

Pain at the area of the bite, but little redness or swelling.

Person may be salivating and sweating profusely. They may have numbness or tingling around the mouth. Confusion may develop and there can be difficulty breathing. Muscular spasms can occur.

Redback spider

The bite of a redback spider is immediately painful. Redback spider bites are rarely life-threatening. If someone is bitten by a redback spider, follow these first-aid rules.

red back spider

Signs and symptoms of redback spider bites

Bites from redback spiders are immediately painful and tend to get worse. The pain may spread. The bite area becomes red, swollen and hot. Small hairs near the bite may stand on end.

There may also be nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Also sweating, especially around the bite.

Marine bites and stings

The coastline of Australia, particularly the tropics, holds some perils for the unwary. Box jellyfish or sea wasp (Chironex fleckeri), bluebottles, stonefish, stingrays, blue ringed octopus and cone snails are just some of the ‘nasties’ to watch out for.

Box jellyfish or sea wasp

box jellyfish

Box jellyfish are found in tropical Australian waters and stings from box jellyfish can be fatal. First aid for stings includes the following.

Note: The use of vinegar for jellyfish stings is to prevent the firing of undischarged stinging cells and the injection of more venom. Vinegar will not decrease pain or lessen the effects of the venom.

Never try to substitute methylated spirits or alcohol, which will cause the nematocysts to discharge and worsen the sting.

Signs and symptoms of box jellyfish or sea wasp sting

Immediate, excruciating pain. Whip-like sting marks on the skin – redness and swelling.

Also nausea, vomiting, sweating, restlessness, headache and collapse. May stop breathing and go into cardiac arrest within a few minutes of being stung.

Bluebottle or Portuguese man o’war


Although painful, bluebottle stings do not usually cause any lasting damage. First aid for bluebottle stings consists of the following.

Irukandji syndrome

Irukandji syndrome can develop about 30 minutes after being stung by some small and medium-sized jellyfish. It can be fatal. First aid for Irukandji syndrome includes the following.

Signs and symptoms of Irukandji syndrome

The sting may be mild or not painful, and the jellyfish may be too small to be seen.

Symptoms include severe low back pain, generalised cramping pain, vomiting, sweating, difficulty breathing, restlessness and anxiety. Dangerously high blood pressure may develop.

Stonefish and other stinging fish


There are some fish, such as Stonefish and Bullrout, that can sting when accidentally trodden on, swum over or handled.

First aid consists of the following.

You may need hospital treatment for the relief of pain and/or to be given stonefish antivenom.

Signs and symptoms of fish stings

Fish stings are usually extremely painful, which can lead to irrational behaviour. The sting wound may be bleeding, bruised or swollen.

Blue-ringed octopus

Blue-ringed octopuses, often found in rockpools, inhabit all Australian coastal waters.

blue ringed octopus

Can be fatal. First aid for blue-ringed octopus bites includes the following.

Signs and symptoms of blue-ringed octopus bite

Blue ringed octopuses secrete a nerve toxin in their saliva. Their bite is usually painless, but the person bitten will feel numb around the mouth, tongue, face and neck and will feel tight in the chest and may have difficulty breathing.

Respiratory failure occurs eventually which leads to death if the person is not resuscitated. Most of the time, the victim is aware, but unable to move or respond.

Cone shell/snail

cone shells

Living in shallow reef waters, these conical shells contain a snail which kills its prey with venom. The venom of the cone snail is injected by small teeth which look like harpoons. Cone shell stings can be quickly fatal if large amounts of venom are injected.

Signs and symptoms of cone shell sting

Pain, swelling and numbness at sting site. The venom causes prolonged weakness of muscles, including the muscles of respiration (breathing), and disturbance of vision, speech and hearing.

Difficulty breathing can lead to respiratory failure and ultimately death if person is not resuscitated. If untreated, high levels of venom could cause death in a short time.

Paralysis tick

paralysis tick

The Australian paralysis tick secretes a nerve toxin in its saliva. The tick may not be noticed until a search is instigated for it.

Australian experts recommend the following first aid measures for attached adult ticks.

In short: Freeze it; Don’t squeeze it!

To kill small tick larvae or nymphs, apply insecticide cream containing permethrin, which is available from chemists.

Note: Avoid using methylated spirits, kerosene or other chemicals — this may cause the tick to inject more toxins.

Signs and symptoms associated with Australian paralysis tick

There may be local irritation at the site of the tick.

The symptoms of tick paralysis (which is rare) progress from local irritation at the site of the tick and tiredness to muscle weakness, unsteadiness on the feet, double vision and difficulty in swallowing or breathing to (rarely) paralysis. Most human cases of tick paralysis are seen in children.

Sometimes infections can be transmitted via tick bites. Squeezing or disturbing a tick can result in it injecting its saliva into you, and expose you to transmissible diseases from the tick, sensitise you to ticks or meat in the future (mammalian meat allergy), or if you suffer from tick allergy, risk you having a severe allergic reaction.

Information on pressure immobilisation first aid

Pressure immobilisation first aid for venomous bites and stings was developed in Australia in the 1970s by Professor Struan Sutherland, who was head of immunology research at the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL).

Venom is spread via the lymph system, so applying a bandage (as tightly as you would strap a sprained ankle) slows the movement of venom from the bite site through the lymphatic system and into the blood circulation. Immobilisation of the limb — with a splint, e.g. a piece of wood/timber — also slows lymphatic drainage. Pressure immobilisation bandaging may also inactivate some types of venom by trapping the venom in the tissues.

This gives the bitten person more time to reach hospital and medical care, although obviously the situation is still a grave emergency.

Research with snake venom has shown that very little venom reaches the bloodstream if firm pressure is applied over the bitten area and the limb is immobilised. Pressure immobilisation first aid is currently recommended for most life-threatening venomous bites and stings in which the venom travels by the lymph system, for example, funnel-web spider bites, snake bites and blue ringed octopus and cone snail envenomations.

Applying the pressure immobilisation technique (PIT)

The pressure immobilisation technique (PIT) involves bandaging the limb that has been bitten and keeping it still using a splint or sling. To apply the pressure immobilisation technique:
